Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare: Review

In every year there is an event that most of the gaming world awaits with trepidation in the heart. Yes, this is another portion Call of Duty. Her appearance is inevitable like evening news on TV or potatoes in Olivier salad. Therefore, enough to joke and complain about the “seriality” of one of the main mass products of our time – where it will be more noble as it is as it is. Moreover, on Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Special hopes were entrusted: developers from us too much promised us too much Sledgehammer Games.

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The code of the future

Advanced Warfare – This is a new branch in the universe COD. Like Black OPS 2 And Ghosts, “Advanced War” sends us to

the future-2054. Apparently, Activision finally decided to bet on a futuristic setting. And it is not surprising: the future is stuffed with all kinds of super equipment, exoskeletons and outlandish weapons, and, consequently, kinematographic scenes, in which all the charm is contained COD, there should be even more “explosive” and stylish than before.

Setting presented in Advanced Warfare, Really amazing. Designers did an excellent job, forcing each location to live their own life. Something always happens around, a huge number of small details revive the atmosphere, and a colorful picture makes you believe that around is not a props, but a real, genuine reality.

But, despite the fact that in the future, the scenery has changed, problems hanging over the heads of the Americans remained the same. The terrorist group, led by a guy with an evil heart and wicked thoughts, persecutes insidious plans for the transformation of mankind. It is opposed by the private organization Atlas, unlike the state army, possessing advanced equipment and weapons. Closer to the middle of the game, the alignment of forces at the poles of “good” and “evil” will change. But you expect such a move almost from the introductory credits.

In general, all scenario stamps COD On the spot: acting as an ordinary Mitchell, we have to lose a couple of friends and limbs, to be devoted and put all the villains on a hat. Predictably to indecent – this is the only way to characterize the plot of a new COD. “So what?» – let’s say we. But insanely beautiful, dynamically, modern and with exoskeletons. Within seven hours of continuous gameplay, you completely forget about the banality of the storyline and, moreover, even imbued with the spirit of the noble American army.

Oscar nomination

A single campaign has always been a strong side COD and the main trump card in the confrontation with Battlefield. True, recently, the series has a crisis. IN Ghosts The developers’ convulsive attempts were visible to make “as it had never yet”. Sledgehammer Games I did not fail. IN Advanced Warfare The narrative observes a thin balance between the culmination scenes of continuous firing, the crashes of high -rise buildings and “peaceful” intermission, in which highly polygonal Kevin Spacey (Kevin Spacey) against the backdrop of many crepted scenes broadcasts about soldier’s duty, fatherly feelings and patriotism. This is a solid movie, such that from the very first minutes sets the bar of entertainment and withstands it throughout the game.

The plot, as usual, is revealed between the action scenes in soundly set rollers. This is a real non -staging – with photorealistic faces and advanced details.

The backbone of the gameplay remained the same. We need several elementary things: to fade on opponents who are densely settled on levels, abundantly seasoned with scripts, and listen to the chatter of the teams accompanying us, carefully trying to prove their usefulness with shots in the “milk”.

But the main thing is that the project is distinguished Sledgehammer Games From other games of the series, is a setting that gives your own style to all the action. The authors accepted the challenge of the developers Titanfall and literally saturated their brainchild with all kinds of technology of the future, futuristic exoskeletons, robots and other achievements of scientific and technological progress. Here Mitchell, like Spider-Man, climbs along the wall with magnetic gloves;So he is already dissecting along Detroit on some anti-gravity motorcycle;But he jumps through moving buses, after which he climbs into the tank and carries an apocalypse to the streets. Climbing and stealth episodes are attached. But exoskeletons became the nail of the programs.

Yes, on any self -respecting base there should be one fur that can easily destroy all living things at this very base.

Skeleton “Skill”

Exoskeleton – a kind of analogue Crysis. “Skins” are divided into several types. It will not be possible to choose the uniform on the task yourself, the designers of the game carefully predicted our needs for each mission. Depending on the type of armor, the holder of the military uniform receives certain activated abilities. They significantly change tactics in the battle. Now COD – This is not so much a positional shooter with a tactic “from shelter to shelter” as an assertive and dynamic action with shooters planning over the battlefield.

The costume capabilities really allow you to feel like a soldier of the future. For example, we can take an invisible form and quietly get to the opponents. Or slow down time for more accurate aiming. The most interesting was the opportunity to make a double jump, due to which the verticality of the levels became much more tangible.

At the end of each mission, we are given a certain number of skills of skills, calculated on the basis of the “Challenge” we performed. Their glasses, we can distribute at our request among several skills. As it has now been started, the “pumping” was attached exclusively “for a checkmark”: the improvement of skills will not give serious advantages in battle.

This is the main problem COD: She is too stained. There is almost no place for improvisation, fatal scripts permeate the narrative. Sometimes it seems that the only freedom of the player is the opportunity to rotate the camera. Advanced Warfare Trying to trample the user: yes, you can jump, but you will do this in strictly designated places;Yes, you can become invisible, but you need to do this only on the orders of the counselor of Gideon. The ubiquitous QTE, corridor levels, costumes, outstanding “by recipe” – all this creates a feeling of conventionality of what is happening and somewhat destroys the atmosphere.

Call of Titanfall

Until some times Battlefield And COD The laurels of the best shooters of our time were peacefully shared: the first shot in multiplayer mode, the second was primarily distinguished by its “single”. Harmony reigned until the idyll violated Titanfall, Having shown an alternative direction for the development of network shooters. The success of creation Respawn Entertainment could not be ignored by the luminaries of the genre. The first to react to develop from Sledgehammer Games, setting to transform the multiplayer component COD.

Network game Advanced Warfare It looks fresh – and it’s not only about high -quality balance, perfectly tailored maps, a bunch of modes and other pleasant little things. The developers managed to fundamentally change the perception of the gameplay, making it to the best of crazy and extremely dynamic. This was due to the same futuristic setting: all the chips of the future from a single campaign were successfully transferred to the network. Double jumps and jerks gave players more scope for maneuvering and tactical actions. Yes, new COD does not reach the level Titanfall, But when, from behind the five-meter wall, the enemy flies out and a sniper shot in the air knocks out a spirit from you or when someone, hiding in invisibility, shoots you in the back, you understand that this is no longer a traditional gameplay COD, And something else. But no less exciting.

Advanced Warfare offers a rich system of “customization”. We can equip our fighter with various weapons, grenades, numerous gadgets of the future, “perk” and so on. There are a lot of slots for filling, endless possibilities and your violent imagination limits only one factor – for each choice we pay in one point of thirteen available, so we will have to carefully think through our own tactics and choose the uniform in accordance with it. The balance is perfectly thought out, and even in the early stages, most of the weapons are not yet open, you will not feel like an outcast. However, if you are not at all familiar with the shooting mechanics, in Advanced Warfare A special mode for beginners is in store for you, in which there are no irritating factors such as a list of leaders or repetitions of murders.

The restored engine, futuristic setting and an updated multiplayer inhaled a new life into a series and, most importantly, showed ways for its further development. In his niche Advanced Warfare Gorgeous, but traditional claims to the genre itself COD, associated with the banality of the plot and excessive linearity, are also relevant for it, which does not allow the game the highest score.

Pros: The technologies of the future transformed the gameplay of the series for the better;dynamic multiplayer with a large volume of content;Great visual and sound design.
Cons: The plot is “without ambitions”;Too staged “single”.

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